T-Shirt Design

Monday, January 28, 2008

Jan. 28 - Home and Happy

Troy actually got out of the hospital when they said he would! He got home last Friday morning (Jan. 25) and is doing very well. I have never seen him this happy and energetic overall. Even though he has lost a few pounds and a few hairs, he hasn't lost his personality. This particular chemo has a more delayed effect - so I am sure his white counts will drop, but his overall pain seems to be minimal.

He told me that the one thing that kept his spirits up last week was knowing that he was supposed to be at GMEA in Savannah - I think it gave him the drive to stay positive and get out of the hospital. Many of you at GMEA said you want to see him, but don't want to impose. Troy has gotten really good at sensing his own strength and knowing when isn't a good time. Don't be hesitant to contact him and set up a time to visit - and if he can't right then, don't be discouraged because there will be other times.

Keep the positive energy coming - it is definitely helping him fight this thing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Mr.Henson! All of us at pinckneyville hope you get better soon! It's great to hear you're home again.
all of us at pinckneyville
AKA Band Geeks