T-Shirt Design

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

Yay! Yay! Yay!
After 25 days at Northside, Troy was cleared yesterday and is safely ensconced at his parents' house! He (and we) are very appreciative of the wonderful doctors, nurses, and staff at Northside, but he is happy to not have to see them. (Stir crazy maybe?) He was projected to go home on Friday, but had some issues with dizziness. The doctors were adjusting his medications, which caused the lightheadness. He is looking forward to growing some white blood cells and getting healthy enough for the second stem cell transplant. Right now, his schedule will consist of visiting the Tower for fluids, platelets, and blood as needed, so keep those donations coming. Please contact me at hsaile at hotmail dot com for an address to send well wishes. Thank you for all of the positive thoughts and prayers!

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