T-Shirt Design

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oct. 14 - Big Day

Troy had a big day today. He did much more sitting up and walking this morning and was greeted by a plethora of visitors. While it hasn't been much, he used the restroom again today. They also turned down his O2, and we hope to have him off it in the coming days.

He really appreciated all the great visitors he had today. It keeps him alert and also helps the time pass. By the end of the night he was exhausted and fell fast asleep (I guess I'm not very exciting - HAHA).

A few things to keep in mind before you visit:

1. Please "sanitize" your hands with the little dispenser on the wall as you enter the room - his immune system is weak and we don't want to make it any harder for him to recover.

2. He is scheduled to have dialysis again tomorrow morning, so he may be tired mid-day and early afternoon. As a general rule, I would say it is best to visit anytime between 3 and 9.

3. Many of you have asked what to bring (food, games, etc.) - I really think what he needs most is good friends with positive smiles and good stories to make him laugh. Oh, and a razor...the boy is gettin' hairy!

Here is the link for directions to the hospital http://www.nghs.com/General%20Pages/Maps.asp Troy is in room 541.

Again, thanks for everything that everyone is doing. We all hope to have him out of the hospital soon so he can really begin to heal at home.


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